2016 Agenda Test

Spring 2016

The Alaska Osteopathic Medical Association, in conjunction with the Alaska Chapter of the American College of Physicians, presents 2016 Spring CME Meeting — March 31–April 2 at the Sheraton Hotel & Spa in Anchorage. This years agenda appears below.


Thursday, March 31

Noon Registration Begins
12:55 Introduction to 2016 CME Meeting
1:00 Evidence-Based Physical Diagnosis
Steven McGee, MD
2:00 Chronic Kidney Disease
J. Ashley Jefferson, MD
3–3:30 BREAK — please visit the Exhibit Hall
3:30 Neuro-Ophthalmology Potpourri: A Case-Based Approach
Leonid Skorin, DO
4:30 “Thieves Market”
Tom Wood, MD, MACP
Keith Brownsberger, MD, MACP
5:30 Wine & Cheese/Appetizer Social
7:00 ACP Council/Light Dinner
7:00 AKOMA Board/Light Dinner


Friday, April 1

7:00 Registration/Breakfast
7:55 Daily Intro
8:00 Working Up the Dizzy Patient
Steven McGee, MD
9:00 Continuous Glucose Monitor and Insulin Pumps—A Good Thing?
Patrick Nolan, DO, FACP
10–10:30 BREAK — please visit the Exhibit Hall
10:30 New Drugs, New Uses for 2016
Christopher Knight, MD, FACP
11:30 Botulinum Toxin for Headaches
Leonid Skorin, DO
Noon–1:30 Buffet Lunch
ACP Town Hall
AKOMA Membership Meeting
Offered 3x each: at 1:30, 2:15, and 3:00
  Chief Complaint: “My Feet Are Killing Me”
Jennifer Jansma, DPM, AACFAS
  Botulinum Toxin Injection Hands-On Workshop
Leonid Skorin, DO
  Shoulder Exam
Deryk Anderson, DO
3:45–4:15 BREAK — please visit the Exhibit Hall
4:15 Electrolyte Disorder
J. Ashley Jefferson, MD
5:15 Adjourn
6:30 Banquet Dinner
Featuring Guest Speaker Peter Dunlap Shohl, Author of “My Degeneration: A Journey Through Parkinson’s”


Saturday, April 2

7:30 Breakfast
8:00 Contemporary Management of Sinusitis
Jack Sedwick, MD
9:00 New Anticoagulents
Gail Pokorney, MD
10–10:30 BREAK — please visit the Exhibit Hall
10:30 Changing Times…Changing Practice…Finding the Joy in Medicine
Bruce Bagley, MD
10:30 Anorectal Disorders: The Frontline
Dan Rossi, DO
1:30–3:30 MOC SEP Module:
Updates in Internal Medicine 2015

Christopher Knight, MD, FACP
Julie McCormick, MD, FACP
  OMT Workshop: Office Treatment of Elbow, Achilles, and Plantar Fascia
Todd Capistrant, DO
3:30 Meeting Adjourned